Anna University Syllabus - Anna University M.Tech Syllabus
RS7202 MICROWAVE REMOTE SENSING Syllabus | Anna University M.Tech Remote Sensing Second Semester Syllabus Regulation 2013. Below is the Anna University 2013 Regulation Syllabus for 2nd Semester for M.Tech Remotes Sensing, Textbooks, Reference books, Exam portions, Question Bank, Previous year question papers, Model question papers, Class notes, Important 2 marks, 8 marks, 16 marks topics.It is applicable for all students admitted in the Academic year 2013-2014 onwards for all its Affiliated institutions in Tamil Nadu.
To impart the knowledge of Microwave Remote sensing and its applications.
UNIT I PASSIVE SURVEY SYSTEM 9 Introduction - History, plane waves, antenna systems, Resolution Concepts, Radiometry - Passive microwave sensing components – Emission laws - Roughness and Dielectric Constant - Radiometers – Components - Brightness temperature - Antenna temperature - Power - temperature correspondence, passive microwave interaction with atmospheric constituents - Emission characteristics of various earth features – Passive missions - Data products and Applications UNIT II ACTIVE SURVEY SYSTEM 9 Basics - RADAR operation and measurements - RADAR equation - RAR - frequency bands - SLAR Imaging Geometry - Geometric Distortions, SAR – Concepts - Doppler principle & Processing System Parameters and fading concepts, Target Parameters. Interaction with Earth surface and vegetation - Physical Scattering Models - Surface and Volume Backscattering, UNIT III PLATFORMS, SENSORS AND DATA PROCESSING, 9 Airborne, Space borne and Indian missions, Data products and selection procedure, SAR Image Processing software - Measurement and discrimination - Backscatter Extraction - Preprocessing and speckle filtering - Image Interpretation, SAR Image Fusion. UNIT IV APPLICATIONS 9 Applications in Agriculture, Forestry, Geology, Hydrology, cryospace studies, landuse mapping and ocean related studies, military and surveillance applications, search and rescue operations, ground and air target detection and tracking - case studies.
UNIT V IMAGING AND NON IMAGING METRICS 9 SAR interferometry - Basics - differential SAR interferometry, SAR polarimetry - Polarisation Types - Polarimetric parameters-Information Extraction, Radargrammetry, Altimetry - Principle - Location systems - applications, scatterometer – Types - Calibration- applications. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: On completion of this course, the student shall be able to
Understand concepts of passive and active microwave system
Gain knowledge in the principles of Microwave image analysis and interpretation
Understand the various application domains of microwave satellite data
Gain exposure to Interferrometry and Polarimetry concepts
1. Ulaby,F.T.,Moore,K.R. and Fung, Microwave remote sensing vol-1,vol-2 and vol- Addison - Wesley Publishing Company, London,1986.
2. Floyd.M.Handerson and Anthony, J.Lewis “Principles and applications of Imaging RADAR”, Manual of Remote sensing, Third edition, vol.2, ASPRS, Jhumurley and sons, Inc, 1998.
3. Philippe Lacomme,Jean clande Marchais,Jean-Philippe Hardarge and Eric Normant, Air and spaceborne radar systems - An introduction, Elsevier publications 2001.
4. Iain H.woodhouse, Introduction to microwave remote sensing, 2004, CRC Press; 1st edition, ISBN-13: 978-0415271233
5. Roger J Sullivan, Knovel, Radar foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts, SciTech Pub, 2004. 6. Ian Faulconbridge, Radar Fundamentals, Published by Argos Press, 2002.
7. Eugene A.Sharkov,Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth: Physical Foundations, Published by Springer, 2003.
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