Anna University Syllabus - Anna University M.Tech Syllabus
RS7008 OPENSOURCE GIS Syllabus | Anna University M.Tech Remote Sensing Second Semester Syllabus Regulation 2013. Below is the Anna University 2013 Regulation Syllabus for 2nd Semester for M.Tech Remotes Sensing, Textbooks, Reference books, Exam portions, Question Bank, Previous year question papers, Model question papers, Class notes, Important 2 marks, 8 marks, 16 marks topics.It is applicable for all students admitted in the Academic year 2013-2014 onwards for all its Affiliated institutions in Tamil Nadu.
Promoting open source software is basic for research and providing cost effective solutions. The students equip with concepts and uses of Open source GIS facilities.UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS 9 Concepts of free and proprietary software – free, shareware and open source software - Levels of open source licensing - Role of open source software in remote sensing and GIS implementation - OGC, OSGeo and GDAL oraganisations - Open Source Standards - FOSS and FOSS4G UNIT II GENERAL ARCHITECTURE 9 Development environment: C and Java - C family , software and software tools - Java , portability and Web - Interoperability - Concepts of Desktop systems, Servers, Map Server, Database Services and Web Services – Integrated GIS and Domain specific software UNIT III DATABASE ENGINES AND GIS 9 Open Source Database Engines (MySQL, SQLite Oracle and PostgreSQL) - Spatial referencing (Oracle Spatial, Spatialite and PostGIS) - Server and clients - Server setup and administration (PgAdmin) – server managing and monitoring - SQL in Queries, Views and Triggers.
UNIT IV GEOSPATIAL SERVER, WEB SERVICES AND SCRIPTING 9 Concepts of WMS, WCS, WFS and WPS - Sensors standards - GeoSpatial services and GeoWeb - Integration of Data, base map and analysis functions - Image and map rendering and web services - scripts in GIS data and WEB applications (PHP, Perl, Python, Java and Ajax) UNIT V OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES 9 OS Remote Sensing software (Eg: ILWIS, OSSIM, ORFEO, OpenEV) - Desktop systems (Grass, gvSIG, QGIS and SAGA) - Map Servers and Web Services (GeoServer and Map Server) - Embedded scripts for GIS services (HTML with PHP and Python) - Geo Statistical operations and Open Statistical tools - R environment and R spatial - standards in GIS documents. TOTAL = 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: On completion of this course, the student shall be able to
Understand the important of Open source technology in GIS and various options available in its implementation.
Acquire skills in using open source software along with the principles of handling licenses and source code modification.
1. Mapserver - Opensource GIS Development - Bil Kropla - Apress - 159069-490-8 - 2005.
2. The GeoSpatial Desktop Open source GIS and Mapping - Gary Sherman - Locate Press - 978-0-9868052-1-9 – 2012.
3. Manuals for GRASS, gvSIG, SAGA, R and GeoServer.
4. Gary E Sherman, Desktop GIS: Mapping the Planet with Open Source Tools, Pragmatic Bookshelf publication 1 edition,2008, ISBN-10: 1934356069
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