Anna University Syllabus - Anna University M.Tech Syllabus
RS7004 GEOMATICS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Syllabus | Anna University M.Tech Remote Sensing Second Semester Syllabus Regulation 2013. Below is the Anna University 2013 Regulation Syllabus for 2nd Semester for M.Tech Remotes Sensing, Textbooks, Reference books, Exam portions, Question Bank, Previous year question papers, Model question papers, Class notes, Important 2 marks, 8 marks, 16 marks topics.It is applicable for all students admitted in the Academic year 2013-2014 onwards for all its Affiliated institutions in Tamil Nadu.
To understand the various remote sensing and GIS technological applications in the field of Environmental Engineering.UNIT I SATELLITE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 9 Introduction - Environmental satellite Mission: GEOS, NOAA, AVHRR, CZCS, Oceansat, Kalpana and others – Spectral characteristics - Data Products – Analysis Tools - Monitoring land, water, atmosphere and ocean using Remote Sensing Data UNIT II WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9 Classification of water quality - Sampling procedure - Quality analysis and GIS modeling Pipe Network Design using GIS - Spectral responses of clear and contaminated water –Aquifer Vulnerability: Intrinsic and specific vulnerability - DRASTIC, SINTACS – Ground Water Quality Modelling: MODFLOW, MT3D – Sea water Intrusion Modelling – pollution diffusion model in river - Case studies.
UNIT III AIR QUALITY AND NOISE MANAGEMENT 9 Air Quality Standards – Chemical and Physical Components - Sampling – Mapping of atmospheric pollution - Air pollution due to industrial activity - Plume behaviors - Dispersion model: Gaussian Plume model - Remote Sensing to monitor atmosphere constituents - Case Studies. Noise pollution: Standards - Measurement of noise and its intensity - Sources - Effects – noise modeling. UNIT IV SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 9 Definition – sources – identification of storage and collection location – Geospatial analysis of collection route - Site selection: Transfer station, Disposal site – case studies. UNIT V GLOBAL PROSPECTIVE 9 Prevention and Control measures – Carbon footprints and sinks, carbon trading, carbon credits and marketing, Indian and international status - case studies. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: On completion of this course, the student shall be able to
Acquire knowledge of various components of environment and assessment of their quality
Gain exposure to current and future satellite missions used for environmental assessment and modeling
1. Ian L.Pepper, Charles P.Gerbaand Mark L.Brusseau, Environmental and Pollution science, Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2006. ISBN : 978-0125515030
2. David N.Miclsen, Environmental Site Characterization and Ground water Monitoring, 2nd edition, CRC Press, 2005, ISBN: 978-1566705899
3. Roger D.Griffin, Principles of Air Quality Management, Second edition, 2006, CRC Press
4. Donald L.Wise, Remediation for Hazardous waste contaminated soils, CRC Press; 1st Edition (1994)
5. Michele Campagna, GIS for sustainable development, CRC Press; 1st Edition, 2005.
6. Tchobanoglous George, Hilary Theisen, Samuel Vigi, Integrated Solid Waste Management, Mc Graw – Hill Inc, Singapore. 1993.
7. Dr Owen Harrop, “Air Quality Assessment & Management”, CRC Press; 1st edition (2001)
8. Robert Scally, “GIS for Environmental Management”, ESRI Press (2006)
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